It's 4:26am as I'm writing this, and I should be heading to sleep (going to Aix-En-Provence in the morning!). But as per my New Years Resolution (that I decided on recently), I plan to do something creatively constructive everyday, whether it's blogging, learning a language, or learning something new on Photoshop. Shouldn't be as hard as previous years' resolutions that went by unexpected (such as going to the gym more often haha)!
So to continue about Marseille.....
The 4th day I was in Marseille, I went to an orientation at my school, where I met the people that I spend everyday now! There were many people from Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Hong Kong, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Finland, India, and more...

On the 2nd day of orientation, we took a tour around the city, and visited many of the famous places. Unfortunately, the weather was horrible and the photos didn't turn out that nice (I will upload to Picasaweb later).